Call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch
Call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch

call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch

I like these better, as they're less flashy and goofy looking. For one thing, the Specialist classes are gone, replaced by Combat Rigs. I beg to differ.Ĭertainly it's very much like last year's entry, but there are a few important changes. Lots of people complain that it's too much like last year's Black Ops III, for instance, or that it's somehow not as good. The real meat and potatoes of each year's Call of Duty is the competitive multiplayer, and here I think Infinite Warfare really excels. Infinite Warfare is a bit more like WWII in space, replete with evil Space Nazis. Then again, while I prefer the more straightforward mechanics to last year's outing-the campaign is certainly capable and engaging-at least Black Ops III did something interesting with its story, with its complicated bad guy, and with the question of technology and warfare. It's one of the strongest campaigns Call of Duty has had in years, and a big step up from Infinity Ward's last game, Ghosts. Thankfully, we get a great supporting cast (though I wish we'd spent more time with them) and great gameplay to make up for the game's other shortcomings. Meanwhile, pacing can be a bit on the slow side, especially between missions and at the start of the game.

call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch

I want a more compelling bad guy, even in a bombastic action game. Even for a franchise built on larger-than-life conflicts and villains, the SDF and its leader are too cartoonish in their pure wickedness. Where Infinite Warfare's campaign suffers is in its uneven pacing and its central conflict.

Call of duty infinite warfare gameplay twitch